How to choose Photographer?

You may have come across wedding websites offering advice on choosing a photographer, but they might not mention these crucial details, as it truly tests the photographer’s skills.


Budget can help you narrow down photographers within your price range. However, unlike tangible items such as wedding dresses or rings, photography is a nuanced service that can’t be easily evaluated solely based on cost. In the UK, the average price for a photographer is around £1000. It’s advisable to aim for a photographer in this price range. If budget constraints are a concern, it’s essential to discern whether limitations are due to the photographer’s skills, equipment, or simply lack of wedding experience. In the latter case, additional assistance from bridesmaids/groomsmen may suffice.


Each photographer has a unique style. Evaluate their work based on personal preferences, considering aspects such as colour tones, lighting, and composition. Additionally, inquire whether the photographer includes photo editing in their services. Some may offer basic adjustments, while others provide high-definition retouching, enhancing details like skin. In my case, I enhance all photos with adjustments to lighting, colour, and apply high-definition editing to selected images. As photography is a visual experience, it’s advisable to request sample photos for comparison. Though it challenges the photographer’s skill, it offers clients a comparative method to make an informed decision.

Crucial Detail

After selecting a few photographers whose work you admire, reach out to them to understand their tools and methods for achieving great photos. As mentioned earlier, you can request before-and-after comparisons of edited photos.

Additionally, inquire about their approach in low-light environments. Most photographers use flash to supplement lighting, so it’s crucial to assess their response. If a photographer doesn’t use flash, evaluate the quality of their photos in low-light settings.

Another aspect often overlooked is how photographers store and backup photos. It’s essential to address this to prevent the risk of losing valuable pictures. Personally, I ensure redundancy by storing the day’s photos on both a hard drive and a NAS (Network Attached Storage). In case of hard drive failure, the photos remain on the NAS, serving as an additional layer of protection for your memories.

The method to know your photographer

Consultation or Meet up

I recommend all couples to communicate with their photographer. I don’t list prices on my website, not because my rates fluctuate or are high. As mentioned earlier, tangible items like wedding dress, rings, and decorations allow you to visually compare price and quality. However, in photography, you only see the final product after you’ve purchased. I prefer meeting with clients to provide a comprehensive understanding. It allows me to explain my photography style, different services and variations in editing. During these meetings, clients can express their preferences and ideas, and I can assess whether I can meet their expectations.

This is Mighty C

Passion for photography and Share tips with you

I am Mighty, Hong Kong born photographer based in Manchester. 

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As a passionate portrait and wedding photographer based in UK, I am currently offering budget-friendly prices to establish and expand my portfolio. Click the “BOOKING” button if you want me to be your wedding photographer.

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